Organic waste is created at all times in our everyday life. There is a wide variety of organic waste such as poultry and livestock manure, human manure, municipal waste, food waste from the kitchen, straw from farmland, and so on. Organic waste covers extensive pieces of land leading to pollution. Since it consists of many unexploited nutritional components, however, it can be applied as raw materials for your organic fertilizer. In turn, this will benefit the agricultural products. For this reason, windrow composting equipment would be useful in converting organic waste into useful organic fertilizer.
Windrow composting method is one among several methods that you can produce organic fertilizer from breaking down organic waste. For this composting method, you will require to pile organic waste such that they form long rows. One other necessary thing to keep in mind is to keep turning the organic waste frequently; this will reduce the composting period and enhance the quality of compost.

Why Do You Need a Windrow Composting Equipment to Turn Compost Pile?
As the fermentation process progresses, the temperature will rise and fall at irregular intervals. Therefore, you will require to turn that compost pile to adjust the temperature and increase oxygen content. What’s more, the fermentation level of manure might be different in various sections of the compost pile, and there might also be lumped materials present. You, therefore, require to turn the materials thoroughly.
Additionally, this piece of equipment can also blend these materials to reduce the temperature and reduce oxygen content. With those reasons, if you have many compost piles to work on or you want better fermentation of organic waste, this machine can be an ideal choice to turn them.
What Types of Windrow Composting Equipment are There?
There are two popular types of windrow composting machine : crawler type windrow compost turner and moving type windrow compost turner.
– Crawler type
The main components include engine, cab, rubber track chassis, rotor, and hydraulic push plates. During the process, the entire machine stretches across the particular windrow compost pile. The blades attached to the rotor will then thoroughly blend and crush the available organic waste; this will allow the materials to receive oxygen fully. Those sharp blades have efficient working capability and, therefore, have long service life.
– Moving type
This windrow compost turner is also known as self-propelled or self-moving compost turning machine. Unlike the former, a moving type turner consists of four wheels. In the process, the entire equipment spans the particular windrow compost. The knife shaft located under the frame of the equipment usually turns, loosens, and pushes the available organic waste. The compost pile will produce new windrow compost in the back of the turning machine.
Even though both of these two kinds of compost turning machines are classified as windrow turner machines, they actually have varying features. Before making a purchase, it is prudent to double-check on the features first so that you can choose what would be most suitable for your specific requirements.