If you want to make your farm more profitable, you can find ways to recycle and reuse anything you can. Animal manure is one of the raw materials that make excellent organic fertilizer for a wide range of crops. You can either use this organic fertilizer to improve your own crops or sell it to there farmers for an extra income stream. All you need to make this dream come true is a fertilizer production line.

This sounds great, but what about the initial cost of setting up such a production line? You’d need to buy a machine, to employ workers to operate it, and to ensure you do have enough storage space for your organic fertilizer. This article explores a few ways of cutting the cost of setting up an organic fertilizer production line. Feel free to use this advice to your own advantage.
The first method to keep these costs under control is to have a very good idea of what your real needs are. If you only have a few goats, cows or chicken, there’s no point in buying equipment with very high processing capacity. Always make sure you estimate the manure volume you expect to process in one day, week or month, and then choose a machine that’s only a bit more powerful than this. If you buy a very large machine, thinking that you’d grow your organic fertilizer production in the future, you’ll have to spend more money upfront, as larger equipment is also more expensive than smaller, more compact machines. Besides, a larger machine will require a larger surface area for the installation. That would also cost you more, should you choose to rent this space rather than own it.

Another way to cut the cost of setting up this production facility is by seeking to buy your equipment in China, India, Pakistan or other country in Asia. Asian manufacturers have much lower production costs, thus being able to keep their prices low. If you don’t know where to find such machines, you can take a look on Alibaba.com. Just use their internal search engine to seek for animal manure composting machine or organic fertilizer production equipment. Within seconds, you’ll be presented with great busienss opportunities from China manufacturers willing to find customers all over the world. Thanks to the advanced automatic comparison features and to other such helpful tools, you’ll be able to find the best equipment that caters to your requirements and buy it from a reliable company.
Last but not least, you can cut the cost of setting up your organic fertilizer line by using readily available resources. For instance, you can ask your friends or your neighbors to help you install the equipment, rather than paying for a team of specialists to com to your farm. Also, you can learn how to operate the machine yourself and how to perform basic maintenance works. You may not be able to do everything yourself, but you’d still save some money, at least in the initial stage of your project.