Do you know what a cow poop fertilizer pellet machine is? It is the best equipment you can use to turn the dung of your cows into fertilizer to use on your crops or to sell for a profit. If you know what this machine is but you want to understand its working principle, you’ve come to the right place. This article explains in layman’s terms how the cow manure fertilizer pellet machine works.

This equipment turns cow manure into granular , and then it mixes and granulates it in order to shape it into pellets. Most models of such equipment use discs to granulate the manure to turn it into fertilizer pellets. Such disc granulators can process smaller volumes of cow manure, being therefore a great investment for small cattle farms or countryside households. When you search for the right equipment for your farm, you should make sure you already know what volume of raw matter you can expect to process on a daily basis. This will help you pick the right machine for you.
When it comes to the working principle of these machines, you need to know that you can have a cow dung pellet mill that uses something between dry and wet granulation. This process is better known as semi-dry pellet making. Everything starts with the flattening of the material just above the opening die. Then, the rolling rollers press the material and force it through the opening. This is very similar to the extrusion process widely used across many industries. The extruded strip is then cut by a scraper. It can also break by itself, under its own weight . The result is a load of cylindrical particles with variable diameter. This process secures a granulation rate of minimum 95 percent, which is as good as you can get. When you use a pellet mill, the moisture content of the material can be higher than in case of using other methods.
The machine uses a screw to regulate the pressure and an adjustable mold gap. This makes it extremely versatile and the perfect solution to process all types of manure. Of course, the cow manure has to undergo a composting process in order to serve as raw matter for making fertilizer pellets. This means that you may need auxiliary equipment and devices to be able to turn the dung of your cows into organic fertilizer for your plants. Should you need to know more about setting up such a processing plant, you can always ask some equipment manufacturers to guidance and advice. They will help you understand the process in its smallest details, in order to make the right purchasing decision for your farm or small business.
Once you are clear about the working principle of such machines, you’ll be able to design a highly efficient production facility that can help you earn a nice living while also helping your neighbors fertilize their crops with safe, effective, natural, organic matter that doesn’t contribute to the pollution of our environment.