Large-scale composting requires efficient techniques to speed up the process. Here are some methods for faster large-scale composting:
Shred or chop the organic materials into smaller pieces before composting. This increases the surface area, allowing microorganisms to break them down more quickly.

Proper balance of materials
Maintain a proper balance of carbon-rich (browns) and nitrogen-rich (greens) materials. Aim for a C:N ratio of around 25-30:1. This balance provides the necessary nutrients for microbial activity and speeds up decomposition.
Compost pile design
Construct well-designed windrows for efficient large scale composting. Ensure proper aeration by creating windrows that are wide and tall enough to allow air circulation. This encourages aerobic decomposition and helps to prevent compaction.
Moisture management
Maintain optimal moisture levels in the compost piles. The ideal moisture content is around 50-60%. Regularly monitor and adjust moisture as needed. Too much moisture can lead to anaerobic conditions, while too little can slow down the decomposition of large scale organic materials.
Turning and mixing
Regularly turn and mix the compost piles to provide oxygen and distribute heat and microbes evenly. This helps to break down the organic materials faster. Large-scale compost turners or equipment specifically designed for turning large windrows can be used for efficient mixing. Go here for more information.
Temperature management
Monitor the temperature of the compost piles regularly. The internal temperature should be maintained between 130-160°F (55-70°C) for efficient decomposition and pathogen kill-off. Adjust the pile’s size, moisture, and aeration if the temperature is too high or too low.
Multiple-stage composting
Implement a multiple-stage composting system, such as a two or three-phase composting process. In this method, the compost undergoes different stages in separate windrows or bins, allowing for optimized decomposition conditions and faster processing.
Remember to adhere to local regulations and guidelines for large-scale composting, including proper management of odor control and runoff. Additionally, large-scale composting may require specialized equipment and infrastructure, so it’s important to consider the scale of your operation and the available resources. If you want to know more about large scale fertilizer composting equipment, you can visit