How A Rotary Granulator Is Useful In Large-Scale Fertilizer Production?

A rotary granulator is a uniquely designed machine which can crush materials into specific shapes. If you’re dealing with large-scale production of hot, cold granulation and low and high concentration complex fertilizer, a rotary granulator is the most suitable piece of equipment for the project. What’s more, aside from producing compound fertilizers, a rotary wet granulator can also produce organic fertilizer.

Although it’s one of the fundamental facilities you need for large-scale production of compound fertilizer, you can also equip it with other machines to form a full compound fertilizers production line. Some of these inclusive facilities include screeners, batching machines, blender, etc.

Rotary Granulator and Large-scale Production

A rotary drum granulator beats some of the defects seen in other machines, such as low strength of final granules, low production, etc. When making compound fertilizer with such equipment, it’s much easier for you to add more stem in, unlike other machines. In comparison to a pan compound fertilizer granulator, a drum pelletizer is much suitable for large-scale production since it can achieve high output, up to 30 ton per hour. With such high-output, it can lead to more economic efficiency to your specific fertilizer plant. What’s more, its operation doesn’t require too much labor force.

Large scale compound fertilizer pelletizer
Large scale compound fertilizer pelletizer

How Does the Rotary Granulator Work?

The rotating pelletizer makes pellets using the centrifugal force that rotates the cylinder. With time, the powders will combine and form pellets. The granulator contains various components. The main motor drives the belt and the pulley.

The materials are forced into the drive shaft via the reducer. Meanwhile, the open gear which is attached to the drive shaft works side by side with the large gear ring. The large gear ring is attached to the body of the machine. Since the cylinder’s interior has a special structure, the materials can effectively form particles, which are finally discharged via the outlet.

A rotary wet granulator makes use of the wet granulation technique. With a specific amount of steam or water, chemical reactions will take place in the cylinder. The cylinder will rotate in such a way that it squeezes all the materials inside. Eventually, the materials will form pellets under a specific and regulated liquid condition. Generally, most of the organic fertilizer granulation machines are wet granulation machines. This drum type granulation machine is also suitable for making organic fertilizer granules.

If you want your granulator to have a better performance, there are a few materials you need to add to ensure that the materials inside maintain the humidity and are in uniformity with the rotary drum. These include vapor, nitrogen solution, phosphoric acid, ammonia gas, calcium slurry, or phosphorous ammonia slurry. With these materials, there should be chemical and heating reactions taking place in the tube. Lastly, the finished fertilizer pellets can range from 3mm to 4mm.

Some Benefits of Using a Rotary Drum Granulator for Large-scale Production

– Due to the high-quality liner, the machine has a long service life.
– It has high granulation rate of up to 70%. What’s more, the small pellets are fewer and even if there could be unqualified pellets, granulating them again is an option.
– Low moisture content and improved drying efficiency
– Has many applications with a huge variety of raw materials
– Allows production of different fertilizers such as nitrogen compound fertilizer, organic-inorganic fertilizer, special fertilizers, etc.

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