What Is The Proper Way To Operate A Roller Press Granulator When Making NPK Fertilizer?


One of the most dynamic and compact granulator machines for the production of NPK fertilizer is a roller press granulator. These can be positioned in the smallest areas, yet they can produce a substantial amount of this material. The cost of these machines can be five figures or more, depending upon the output capacity. You will want to obtain one or more of these units if you want to combine nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium into fertilizer for your business. Here is how you can find the best roller press granulator for your business.

Double Roller Granulator for Dry Granulation Fertilizer Plants
Double Roller Granulator for Dry Granulation Fertilizer Plants

How Do They Work?

These machines are designed to simply receive the initial components at the top. You will pour in the material for the nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. Inside of the machine, and the mixing your own npk fertilizer will occur, combining the different components together. This will lead to the creation of this vital fertilizer that you can use on your crops to replenish what has been depleted. NPK fertilizer is one of the most popular types of fertilizer due to the nutrients that it contains. By turning the machine on, it will create this fertilizer for you, as long as you have an ample supply of the components needed for extrusion granular fertilizer factory.

The Interior Of The Machine

The interior of the machine includes an electronic motor that is completely belt-driven. This is a transmission belt, one that is connected to rollers that operate at a very high amount of pressure. There will be sliding housing, and an extruder, that will work together to combine the ingredients. By simply pouring the raw material into the granulator disc, the high pressure inside will amalgamate everything, leading to the creation of NPK fertilizer.

NPK fertilizer granulator for dry granulation
design of roller compacting granulator mechine

How Much Room Will You Need?

The amount of space that you will do will be minimal due to the design of these machines which are very easy to locate. You may not realize how many companies produce these fertilizer granulators until you start to look. You will want to compare them based upon their size, output, and the way that they function. The amount of power that they use, and the size of each batch, should also be under consideration. Overall, most facilities will be able to accommodate these very small machines which are extremely efficient. If you get something that is larger, make sure that it is equipped with a conveyor belt system, drum screener, and a pellet polishing machines to finalize the process.

If you have never owned a fertilizer granulation machine before, you may want to consider owning one. All it takes is adding the materials and turning the machine on. Inside, the machine will do the work for you, combining the components, so that pellets of fertilizer can be produced. If it originates from a reliable company, you can look forward to many years of use as you are producing these materials. Whether you have a single or a double roller press granulator, they will all work in the same manner. Start looking today for the latest double roller extrusion granulator that can produce fertilizer in npk fertiliser manufacturing.

How To Obtain A Double Roller Granulator At A Preferred Price

If you are working with raw materials, such as cow or chicken manure, you may need to invest in a double roller granulator. This will enable you to quickly convert this material into pellets that can be used as fertilizer. This could be either for organic fertilizer or compound fertilizer granulation purposes. If your objective is to produce granular fertilizer daily, you will also need a special facility, one equipped with a room where the pellets can dry you can also invest in a double roller extrusion granulator that will have a much higher yield. This is how you can obtain a double roller granulator at the lowest possible price.

Double Roller Granulator for Dry Granulation Fertilizer Plants
Double Roller Granulator for Dry Granulation Fertilizer Plants

How Do They Work?

A double roller granulator is a comprehensive machine. It uses roller sheets, each of which will be equipped with ball sockets and a couple rotating rollers. The material is placed within the granulator, and as the twin rollers begin to squeeze together, you can create the shape of the granules that are produced. All of these are customizable to some degree. You can augment the distance between the rollers to produce exactly what you need. When producing compound fertilizer, and creating fertilizer granules, you will often use very similar materials. When choosing one, always keep in mind the type of pellets that you will be producing in the materials that will be needed for the process.

NPK Fertilizer granules by NPK Plant
NPK Fertilizer granules by NPK Plant

Materials Used For The Manufacturing Process

Some of these materials will include manure, potassium sulfate, zinc sulfate, and even ammonia chloride when producing certain pellets. When you are creating organic fertilizer pellets, you will have access to cattle, pig, and chicken manure, as well as other forms of organic waste. It is common to use bentonite for this process. It will make it very easy to combine the materials together. If set up properly, the double roller granulator may be your most proficient machine for creating these materials.

The Different Components Of These Machines

There are different components that you will have to use including a screener, conveyor belt system, automatic fertilizer dispenser, and a fertilizer crusher to name a few. There should also be a pellet polishing machine for quality fertilizer production, packing machines, and a coating machine as well. These will all be connected together, in the proper order, to eventually create the pellets that you are manufacturing. It really is that easy to create pellets with these machines that you will use as fertilizer for your farming operations.

Double Roller Granulator is Ready to Ship to Singpore
Double Roller Granulator is Ready to Ship to Singpore

Double roller granulators do have their place in the fertilizer production industry. It is important to obtain one from a manufacturer that is well-known for creating the very best machinery. Many of these companies are easy to work with. You should be able to order one and have it shipped within days. Depending upon your location, and the number of machines you have ordered, it may take weeks for them to arrive at your facility. By evaluating the based upon their components, and output capacity, you will obtain the very best double roller granulator machines available on the market today.

More detailed info, welcome go to https://fertilizerproductionlines.com/double-roller-granulator/